Friday, May 13, 2022

Evaluating the Needs of a Loved One with Dementia

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, a person’s needs change and it is important to recognize and address those changes with appropriate care. Along with meeting basic needs, experts say care providers should treat the whole person by creating an environment that allows them to feel independent and safe. The Alzheimer’s Association says determining the best care options can be tough and offers some advice on how to ensure the person has the services, programs, and caregivers in place for the best possible quality of life. 

The first step to any decision regarding care is to honestly evaluate your loved one’s needs. Also, to whatever degree possible, it is recommended you include them in any decisions. Another thing to remember is during the early stages of the disease the person may be able to live independently but in the middle stages, 24-hour supervision is needed. Additionally, around-the-clock care is much more demanding in the later and end stages.    

Primary points to consider include safety especially in terms of unsupervised cooking, or if the person has a tenacity to wander or needs help with medications. Does the person have medical conditions that need monitoring such as diabetes or a mobility issue? Other problems that may demand more professional care include a person becoming aggressive or needing help with the ADLs (activities of daily living). Finally, consider if the person would benefit from more social interactions and activities. 

If a parent, spouse or another loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s or another dementia-related disease, the MorningStar at Bear Creek team is here to help. As one of the area’s leading dementia care specialists, MorningStar at Bear Creek was designed to provide a secure setting, which allows residents to explore their spacious surroundings freely and easily.  Our specialized care includes finding ways to connect with and nurture the essence of the individual, and to treat residents with the respect and dignity they deserve.    For trusted memory care Colorado Springs families can count on, visit our website or contact us for more information. 

MorningStar at Bear Creek brings a unique vision to senior living with our mission statement “to honor, to serve, to invest.” With a foundation built on honoring God, valuing seniors and investing in a staff with a felt calling to serve, we offer loving, compassionate care within a beautiful home-like setting.  Please contact us to learn more about the finest memory care Colorado Springs offers.



  1. I know how difficult it is when you're caring for someone with dementia. I can't imagine the amount of stress you must feel. It's nice to see that you're being honest about the process. I think this is a valuable lesson for anyone, not just those in the caregiver role.
    Senior Living Community
